Our mission is to serve churches as they equip men to walk with Christ and lead well.
Here are a few of the questions you helped answer this month…
“We have a small team of men who want to launch a formal ministry to men at our church. Our pastor is on board but we must make a formal proposal with an organized plan. Could you help us prepare for a meeting with our Discipleship Pastor?”
- A brief outline of steps to launch strategic ministry to men prepared these men for an effective meeting!
“What are your thoughts about using 33 The Series vs. The Quest for Authentic Manhood from Men’s Fraternity Classic with our men?”
- A breakfast meeting with the pastor and men’s ministry leader from this church helped them chart a course for the way forward. They’ll be launching a strategic men’s discipleship campaign in the fall.
“We need help connecting older men with younger men for mentoring at our church. We have interested men in both camps but can’t seem to get them connected. Could you help us with a strategy?”
- Interested men from this church will access mentoring tools and coaching through NobleResources.org as leadership works to help willing men connect both informally and formally.
The Noble Man conferences are high-impact single day events. Men from churches across the regions join in a Kingdom gathering. But, each conference is just one day; that leaves 364 other days for less visible but arguably more significant ministry. Conferences give us visibility, build trust and establish Noble Warriors as a valued resource for local churches.
In each of the cases above, men who attended a Noble Man conference were inspired to capture the momentum. Thanks for locking arms with us to serve these leaders and many more.
Men are being equipped to walk faithfully with Jesus and lead well!
- Pray with us for these leaders and many others who have reached out and those who will.
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® Monthly Partner Letter. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.