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We asked men these questions. Check out the results...

*These questions are part of our 1 Quick Question Surveys and the responses do not necessarily reflect the views of Noble Warriors.

What are Some Ways That an Older Man, with Life Experience and Wisdom to Offer, Could Effectively Connect With a Younger Guy He Is Willing to Mentor? (Select all that apply.)


Personal Prayer, accountability partner

Divine Defense by Dr. Robert Jeffress

Weekly mens accountable meeting outside local church


Disciplines Of A Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes

Covenant Eyes

Covenant Eyes accountability

David by Chuck Swindoll


Robert Lewis Original Manhood Series.

Noble Warriors

Train yourself to be Godly: a 40 day journey toward sexual wholeness by Clifton

Accountability partner

Directed prayer; Praying the scriptures.

having other men holding me accountable

Stepping up (family life)

Holy Spirit conviction and help

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Life experience

Nathan Project FMO Groups and teachings


Go eat some good BBQ somewhere and discuss life while also sipping ice cold Cheerwine and Sun Drop from glass bottles!

This is all assuming that the younger guy is interested in being mentored. The reality is that time is required. Both men must agree to regular time spent together over a long period of time. The only true need is the ability to have private convo

All are good if you DO them ** Combine any of these, once relationship is established, with 1-on-1 accountability ** Co-lead a men’s/teen boy’s group/Bible study to model inter-generational fellowship [iron-sharpens-iron across generations].

Anything two guys can do together, such a eat Oreos with milk.

Engage in whatever activity/hobby/sport the younger guy is interested in. I checked only activities for that reason. Often we look to go right to the spiritual activity without first meeting the guy where they are in what make them come alive.

What Advice Do You Have for a Brand New Dad?

Be patient

Hold your kids a lot.

Have a good temper

Focus more on what Jesus has DONE rather than what you DO. None of us ever do enough. But what Jesus has DONE for us and our children is perfect and complete. The joy we receive in our identity as new creations in Christ will change us.

To always show love to your wife and children. strive daily to be an example of Jesus Christ and work to provide for your family. Finally never let anyone or anything separate you from the love you have for God and your family.

Love your children’s mother

Love your wife as Christ LOVES His church,, sacrificially,  unwavering devotion and serve her

You’re responsible for this addition to your family.

Be a teacher, always!

Be the kind of Dad that you had or wish you had

Be patient and loving. Speak softly as often as you can. Let them know you provide a safe place for them.

Raise them to love Jesus and He will bless them for life.

Spend as much time as you can with them showing God’s love.

Focus on mom. Let her get some sleep and adjust to the new, new. There will be time for you to sleep later.

Be wise: in your prayers for your child(ren), in your conversations with them, in your instructions and discipline, in allowing them to make their own mistakes and being there when they fall. Be wise with God’s wisdom.

Teach your child the meaning of the word NO and help them understand the blessing of WORK.

When you think you have done enough to help with the kiddos or even if you are tired, do a little bit more.  Men have as much responsibility in raising the kiddos as the wife does.  Remember it took 2 to get into this situation.

Pray for/with your child every night.

Focus on your family. No matter what.

You are not going to raise the world’s first perfect kid so chill, enjoy, and trust in God.

Dont over think the task. Children are adaptable. Enjoy your child and teach them well.

Do whatever it takes to help your wife get some sleep.

Be patient. Set a good example. Always look to the Lord. Stay in prayer.

Get sleep. Talk to your children often. Beware of public schools.

Be prayer warrior for your family.  Ask, seek and knock God to help you be the leader for your family.


Seems overwhelming at first but others have survived. You will too. God equipped you with Dad Power. And remember, your wife is overwhelmed too. Your wife plus Dad Power cannot be overcome. You do make it.

Accept help when it’s offered and have lots of patience. Be an All-in Dad, which means cleaning baby bottoms, mixing formula and late night errand runs WITH the baby so Mama Bear can sleep. Slow down and enjoy the experience.

Spend time & change diapers!

Love and respect the child’s mother.  This sets the example of how the Godly man treats a woman.

Mom is going to need plenty of sleep to handle the new demands. Any help you can give would be appreciated and will help her emotionally as well. Good bonding time for you with mom and baby.

Love your family and be involved with them in service of Jesus!

Seek the Lord with all your strength every day.

Take time to just look at your child and realize how amazing they are.  Let your wife get some rest and you walk them in the night. Put a little money away each month for them so when you send them out into the world or college, they have something.

Be involved, be present, tell your child —I Love You They need to know you care and Jesus is our 1st Priority—We Serve the Lord

Learn to say:  I’m sorry, I was wrong, will you forgive me?  Start when they are babies and continue every time you blow it and sin against them. Models our need for forgiveness, a Savior and promotes humility

Consider Husband/Dad as your full-time job and your vocation/career as your part-time job.

Wait two or three years before having children this way you get to know your spouse better. Also get some sound financial training early in your marriage. Your wife should be able to stay home with the children at least until they start school

Spend time with your family.

Your wife is exhausted. You will be too. It’s important to tag team. When either of you is feeling overwhelmed, make a deal that you can tag the other one to take over at any time. Oh, and she may be frustrating, but your mother-in-law is a gift.

1) Trust God & prayerfully seek our heavenly Father’s perfect guidance. 2) Talk/sing/read to & pray with little ones, even infants. Talk about whatever you are thinking or doing.  It builds lasting bonds & it’s amazing how much they understand!

Make sure that you create opportunities for your wife to rest. There may be some surprises along the way. If you get tired, you might be uncomfortable, if she gets tired, everyone’s going to be uncomfortable.

Put Jesus FIRST.

Spend a LOT of time with your SON!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (ESV) Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

Know that the small person you are holding is a gift from God. Know that God would never impart anything/anyone to you that He Himself has not already hovered over and filled with His unconditional love. Trust God in all that you do.

Spend as much time as you can with your child. Don’t forget about your wife, help her as much as you can. Show your child how much you depend on Jesus.

Don’t wear makeup, wigs, or dress up like a woman…Be masculine

Teach them to be respectful to you, their mom(very important), their elders and those in authority. Also help them to understand how important it is to be a productive member society. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO IS LOVE GOD and show them that love

Don’t take anything they do personally. Stay even tempered, fair, and loving at all times when in their presence or hearing. Love him or her as He loved/loves us.

Spend as much time with your child and share the interests that the are interested in. More importantly provide an example for them to follow when it comes to God’s Holy Word and prayer!

If you can make it through the first six months (stress, lack of sleep, balancing work and home, her post-partum depression), you’ll be okay. Stay close to Jesus.

Cherish every moment.  The good and the not-so-good.  All time is fleeting

It is a marathon – not a sprint.  Discipleship takes time, and be patient.

Make sure to take care of your wife, first, and then help her all you can with the new member of the family.

Keep reminding your wife “It’s worth it!” when challenges pop up.  Children are a blessing from the Lord.  Psalm 127

Love is spelled TIME!

Gentleness, kindness, and a lot of hands on time.

Enjoy every moment. Time goes by so Fast!

Think about what events triggered upheaval and trouble in your upbringing. Those things are subconsciously part of you.. Ask God to help you understand the past and give yourself grace to gradually become better.

Show your kids how much you love their mom .  Set example for boys on how to treat their mom and later their girlfriends   And show your daughters how they should expect to be treated when they are older by men they date

Don’t be so focused on planning for the future that you neglect the present.

Whatever toll the sleepless nights are taking on you, it’s worse for your wife, so be compassionate. The physical ordeal is overshadowed by the delight in your son or daughter. Enjoy the ride.

Enjoy every moment.  It’s a cliche, I know.  But it goes so fast.

God first. Wife second. Children third. Make sure that your children never become an idol and that your wife is always your primary human relationship.

Make extra time for your wife and spend time with your children,  Realize your wife’s life  and body has been through great changes.  Even though for most men everything just continues.  Encourage and support her more than ever.

Make time for 3 things on a daily basis: your Lord, your spouse and your children. You won’t regret it.

Always tell the truth!

Patience & Value the moment. It doesn’t seem like it now, but when your child is grown, you WILL say “It went by too quick!”.

Don’t just be available, be present in the life of your child(ren).

Men, What Book (Other than the Bible) are You Most Likely to Recommend and/or Give to another Man?

Abba’s Child, Brennan Manning

Wild @ Heart, John Eldridge

Under Cover, John Bevere

Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend

Man in the Mirror by Pat Morley

Right now, Preparing for Heaven, by Gary Black, Jr.

Mere Christianity

Pure Desire by Ted Roberts

For young men I have bought several books by C.S. Lewis; “Screwtape Letters” and for older men “The Westminster Shorter Catechism”.

The Joy of Fearing God by Jerry Bridges

Wild @ Heart by John Eldridge

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. By Nabeel Qureshi.

For old guys like me    Finishing Well. Bob Buford

Annie Grace, This Naked Mind

Rise of the Servant Kings

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Raising a Modern Day Knight – Robert Lewis

How God makes men. Patrick Morley

Got Your Back by Gary Yagel

Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel.

33 series

More of a book that interprets the bible stories.

The Treasure Principle

Up From Slavery–Booker T. Washington

Disciplines of a Godly Man by R.Kent Hughes

Battlefield of the Mind

Man in the Mirror

Fault Lines

Kingdom stewardship by Tony Evans

Point Man by Steve Farrar. Practical application along with the Biblical principles.

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

The Christian Man by Patrick Morley

Becoming a Prayer Warrior, By Elizabeth Alvese

The history of Islam.  Great book to open your eyes to the reality of the violent nature of this religion.  It will help u see how the Mid East conflict will never resolve until the return of Jesus Christ.

The Christian Man, Patrick Morley (Any book Pat has written is exceptional for men)

Not a Fan

The Unsaved Christian

If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat

A case for Christ

Wild at Heart

“What if Jesus had never been born?” D. James Kennedy & Jerry Newcombe

The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken

Kingdom Man by Dr. Tony Evans

Championship Grandfathering

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

Tender Warrior by Stu Webber

Man Alive

In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day by Mark Batterson

Law or Grace – M R DeHan

Mondays with my Old Pastor – Jose Louis Navojo

Finishing strong

Lessons From a Sheep Dog by Phillip Keller

Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliott

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Traveling Light and Wild at Heart

Wild at Heart

There is currently no book other than the Bible that men should be invested in.

Eternal Security By Charles Stanley

Twisted Scripture

Knowing God by JI Packer

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Kingdom Man Rising by Tony Evans

Pilgrims Progress

How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Essylstyn

The 5 Love Languages

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Half Time (older guys)

Point Man (younger guys)

Exercise Your Faith (Defeating the Lies Men Believe)

Blind Man’s Bluff.

Disciplines of a Godly Man

“Are You a Super Man? Becoming God’s Man of Steel”

Why men hate going to church. Or Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

Living the Message by Eugene Peterson

Point Man by Steve Farrar

Principle of the path/Andy Stanley

Why men HATE church.

“Live Pure and Free-The 90 Day Game Changer.”

Wild At Heart.

Mike!  Let me know if anyone mentions any of my books!

Gods at War – Kyle Idleman

Erwin Luther

We will not be Silenced

Half time by Bob Buford

Extreme Mind Makeover by Steve Etner

Raising Modern Day Knight by Robert Lewis

sorry just too many good books out there

Let the Nations Be Glad – John Piper

Probably the one I am reading at the time or have read recently. Right now, Bryan Loritts Letters to a Birmingham Jail or Tony Evans ‚Oneness Embraced.

Men on Fire by Stephen Mansfield

Stepping Up.

My Utmost for His Highest

Seven Words by Joshua Brooks. Looks at the 7 Letters to the Churches in Revelation. Easy read, and the words Jesus felt those Christians needed to hear are still needed today. Love, Courage, Purity, Repent, Remember, Persevere and Humility.

Treasure Priniciple by Randy Alcorn

How Now Shall We Live? by Charles Colson

Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine

JC Ryle Thoughts for Young Men

A John Ortberg book.

The Pursuit of Holiness,” by Jerry Bridges (NavPress, 1978, 1996, 2006)

Earth’ s Last Empire: The Final Game of Thrones-John Hagee

Disciplines of a Godly Man – R. Kent Hughes. I use this with one-on-one, life-on-life ministry/discipleship/mentoring with men.  Usually one chapter/week.

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

The Game Plan by Joe Dallas

Wild at Heart – John Eldredge

Every Man’s Battle


The Heart of a Warrior by Michael Thompson

The Way of the Superior Man. Gave a copy to all my brothers for Christmas.

Wild at Heart, Mere Christianity

Guys, If You Could Holler Back to Your 20-Something Self, What's One Piece of Advice You Would Give Yourself?

Learn to slow down and enjoy life.

Hang out with good and godly friends.

Educate yourself on the financial responsibilities of marriage, and prepare accordingly. Don’t assume that “love” will take care of everything, like it does in the movies and novels. Don’t assume that you will always have two incomes, especially if either one has no savings.

Be obedient to the teachings of scripture.⅝

Invest some money and don’t work so much

God will be with you all along the way of your life. Also Focus on Kingdom stewardship through your life and your life will be aligned with God.

Wait to get married.

Spend time in God’s Word everyday. First thing.

Get closer to God alot sooner

Take my eyes off myself and seek what God wants me to do with my life. I was so focused on “if it feels good do it” mentality that God’s purpose for my life was not even in sight. Thankfully he used difficult situations in my life to bring me to my knees to seek him.

It’s imperative to follow the dream that God has given me to live. Otherwise, you will live someone else’s dream and expectations, never really reaching God’s plan and purpose for me. Just a lifetime of doing “ok” things.

It will be worth it to stick it out.

Follow Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is truly precious, seize the day. Take advantage of every opportunity before you.

Surrender control to Christ…heart knowledge, not just head knowledge.

You become like those you associate with. Chose companions that reflect the man you WANT to be.

The two most important things you need to do is: read your Bible and be a good steward of your money.

Don’t get married at 18.

Do what you can to meet personal goals and serve the Lord while there is not the responsibility of family, job, time. Budget, put some money aside.

Abide in Christ.

Ask more questions. Seek more advice from older men who have already been there in life.

Listen to those who have made big failures because they can teach me a lot about life.

Go to that church service you were invited to.

Find fulfillment in Christ instead of others.

Remember your salvation and whose you are.

Accept Christ’s offer of salvation now. Don’t wait another 10 years.

Put God and your family first, last, and always.

Keep up the good work, and obey God more.

If i was a believer it would easily be “have a Nathan as an integral part of my life.” A “Nathan” as in the Prophet Nathan who was a faithful part of King David’s leadership team. I am thinking the most important member by far. He applauded, advised and admonished King David with and without invitation. I want a Nathan close to me! At least one.

Don’t have kids.

Don’t keep secrets! Find men that you can trust to hold you accountable and share your struggles. We are stronger together.

take longer dating before marriage

Listen to your Christian parents, relative, friend or co-worker. Seek Jesus, stay away from worldly lusts. Focus on Jesus and all things will work out. Whatever you face our God is With you always!

Find some older, godly men to watch, walk with and learn from. I wish I had been more involved with some seasoned men who knew how to disciple me.

Trust God more and start saving now! Be a better husband, what you see on tv isn’t real.

Veterans Benefits couldn’t be drawn until enrolled in school. School wouldn’t enroll me until paid. I didn’t have the money. So, I went back into the military instead of ministry. I would advise myself to ask more questions from Liberty U about tuition assistance rather than just taking the registrars no as the final answer.

Choose to follow Jesus now, and don’t wait until you get into your late 50’s.

start early, stay at it and choose wisely

Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength!

Go to seminary and become the man God intended me to be – and evangelist.

Listen to your parents more and actually do some of what they said.

Learn to invest 3 things: 1 – Time in Prayer 2 – Time in the word of God 3 – Time for Yourself

Take Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class.

Pursuing worldly pleasures’ will leave you disappointed, empty, and with nothing to show for it but misery.

Run as fast as you can to Christ because in reality nothing else matters.

You are forgiven. Don’t hold it in.

To follow JESUS CHRIST and His plans, not my own! And to walk in purity!

To quiet yourself and ask God what He wants for me in my life. I never considered His direction as I was trying to claw my way to manhood.

Would be to utilize the Alumni connections from the college you are attending for opportunities such as summer Internships and career job opportunities. In addition develop a higher interest in technology

“Stop drinking so much.”

More Time With God; intimacy, Sharing the Good News at “every” opportunity !

Stay home. Find Jesus earlier in life.

Look at the Beatitudes as a process beginning with being undone before a Holy God, then FULLY yielding yourself to Him in all things so the Creator has something to work with and you can be salt and light to His glory, not yours!

Accept Christ as your true Savior and don’t marry the first woman that you date.

Seek followers of Christ sooner. Find a mentor.

Stay in school and study harder and put the Lord first in everything

Be more intentional about seeking and serving the Lord (Creator, Savior, and daily Sustainer) in light of eternal realities!

Cherish the moment you are in and make the most of it for Christ.

Find a Biblical wife and keep your kids in Church at all cost.

Keep God on the throne of your heart ALWAYS!

Get someone to disciple me.

Don’t think more of yourself than you ought.

Stay in the Word, surround myself with godly people and seek out such a person as a mentor.


Take life more seriously and invest.

Focus on relationships, not accomplishments.

Marriage doesn’t fix the porn problem.

I would tell myself to pray with my wife and my children daily. To read the Bible with them daily. To be more intentional about caring for the spiritual welfare of my family even before serving at church. Keep your priorities straight: 1.God 2. Family 3.Church, the rest of life will take care of itself if we keep these priorities each day.

Start preparing for retirement earlier

Be Bold and Confident Christ is with you

Get the help you need now, not 25 years later.

Do not take your fiancé for granted. Give her the proper proposal that she deserves and make it public if possible.

Spend as much time with your parents as possible, both in person and on the phone, as one day you wish you had. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. It will be tougher later on with house, work and parenting responsibilities.

Marriage won’t solve your porn problem!

Find God’s will before you make any decision.

You are not as smart as you think you are… Find a great mentor and follow his advise. Stay in church and enter into Biblical fellowship with other men, Brothers in the Faith.

While I love my wife of 39 years, I might say, “Why get married right out of college? What’s the hurry?”

You serve an audience of One. Trying to please others will bring only hardship, discouragement and worse. Embrace who you are as God’s son, focus on an undivided pursuit of Christ, recognizing what He has called you to be and do surrounding yourself with men of character whom you have given permission to speak into your life will bring freedom

Stay in school, don’t give up on your dreams.

Enjoy life.

Always take the long view and don’t lose perspective.

It’s a lot harder to lose the beer gut at 30 than 20. Also, don’t go to college until you can personally afford it.

1 word: Patience

You’re a lot stronger than you think.

Men, When Have You Felt Like You Were in Over Your Head and Needed Some Help/Wisdom?

Top Areas:

Family/Marriage = 10
Work/Ministry = 19
Health = 3

I entered a new leadership position in my organization and God provided a Christian mentor to help me grow in that position, and for future steps in the administrative arena. God is good, all the time!

My wife was diagnosed with cancer in 2008. She was stage 4 and had a very short 3 month battle before it took her life. I was not prepared to be a father to a two year old all by myself. But God placed great people in my life through my church and had lots of help from my family.

In 1999 I followed the Lord’s leading in starting a ministry to men. I had no clue about how to get financial partners or even what to tell them so that they could get on board with what I was attempting to do. I sought the advice of my Father-in-law who was at that time a missionary with Trans World Radio and he walked me through some ideas on how to raise ministry partners.

Upon accepting a severance from work, I was left with no new job and then the process of attempting to find a new career was rather humbling.

How do you deal with an unknown health issue that is destroying you and the medical community can not give you a reason or a solution? Some said it was all in my head, go figure on that one. I had been dealing with this issue for about a year and my weight dropped below 100 pounds from my normal wt of 135. Our first son was born during that time and turned out to be a real blessing instead of a burden we could not handled at that time. We are so accustomed to modern medicine being able to cure our illnesses, but I realized that turning to the Lord as I had never had to do before was going to be required on this one. I was 28 at that time and I am now 72 while never being cured was able to manage Chrohns disease, remain employed and had two more sons. Thank the Lord for his mercy and guidance over the course of past 44 years.

Men, Other Than Your Children, Who are You Investing in and Pouring Your Life Into?


A female recording artist wanting 2 share how God’s healed her from abuse&grief

Facilitating a coed life group

Troubled young adults with bad histories/addictions, etc.

An addict that just needed a friend

My wife and my marriage

I teach Sunday school to men and women 18-25

men’s ministry

men in my Celebrate Recovery family who do not attend my church

hopefully my wife!

Senior Adults in my community


Sports officiating Youth – HS.


Stewardship Ministry

Grandkids living with us

Ministry to men in addiction singularly and small groups

I help coach football at the high school have them praying before and after ever

I’m a Board Certified Executive Coach



Anyone who will listen.

Pastors in Northern VA


Family – Son-In-Laws

Family in another state


Young men through Instagram messaging

My construction company hiring people who need a second and sometimes third chance

Prison ministry

Roommate and friend

Local food bank, Sunday school teacher

Ministry Great Compassion Uganda

one-on-one discipling and USPS evangelism

Family to struggling families

My local church


Men, What Tool or Resource (Other Than the Bible) Did Someone Use to Disciple You or Help You Grow in Your Faith?

I have only had self-study books. I also took basic class in theology at church last year. The men’s group at church that I go to when we were able to meet uses basic 33 men’s study.

Master Life by Avery Willis

Experiencing God

“Brigade Trails” and “Leadership Trails” from Christian Service Brigade Ministries. 

We have created a Christian Men’s Fraternity where we hold weekly sessions and progress through lessons in order to develop and disciple men. Then in turn, we train those men to assist with developing the next group.

Christian Service Brigade achievement manuals

Invited me to a Man in the Mirror “Success That Matters” seminar, and led me thru the 6 week follow up small group


The original Men’s Fraternity

CBMC Operation Timothy 1984-1986 | CBMC Lifestyle Evangelism Seminar 1985 | CBMC Living Proof 1986-1988

Hard work ethic.

By example!

Men’s Fraternity series and Tony Dungy series

Bill Bright handbook for Christian maturity

33 Series books.

Modern Apologetics writings such as “Case for Christ”, Josh McDowell books, etc.

Write a commentary as best as i could of each book in the (Bible) then review it with him. It was not just the Bible the resource was the commentary.

Video series…”That the World May Know” by Ray Vanderlan

The book “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell

Billy Graham materials, Navigators Bible, read thru the Bible – 1 year program (done every year since 1977)

The 33 series DVD’s and Wild At Heart DVD series

Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby

Patrick Morley’s book “Man in the Mirror, accountability questions in back of book.

Small group study materials (ex: Men’s Fraternity, etc.)

Kingdom Man by Dr Tony Evans

Men’s conferences

King James Bible

The original MasterLife in the red three-ring binder – very good materials.

Navigators curriculum

My wife had written a personal prayer book for me with many of our favorite verses and verses that spoke to the positive victory and blessings that the Lord has provided us

Point Man by Steve Farrar

Student Discipleship Ministries, Burleson Texas

“Becoming a Prayer Warrior” By Elizebeth Alvez

“Hosting the Presence” by Bill Johnson

My Utmost for His Highest Devotional

1) Men’s small group study of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity.

2) Men’s fellowship w/table groups of Pr. Robert Lewis’ Quest for Authentic Manhood series.

Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox


33 The Series and Men’s Fraternity. The best men’s studies I have ever used!

The book 40 days of purpose by Rick Warren

Navigator Bible studies on the various books of the Bible, and the Experiencing God study by Blackaby.

Most of the men I gravitated too walked their faith and when I approached them, they shared their stories.

watching someone Lead by example

One To One Discipling (Multiplication Ministries, Vista, CA)

None, I made the decision on my own. I have never had anyone sit down and walk me through God’s plan of salvation.

Books (like knowing God, hand me another brick, and disciplines of a Godly man). Video series like FamilyLife’s Stepping Up, Podcasts and articles

Master Life study

Navigators discipleship curriculum

Flash Cards. Power Point slides.

The Authentic Manhood 33 Series all six books. Also, Tabletalk by Ligonier Ministries.

Books from leaders like James Dobson, Gary Smally, Gary Chapman….

Encouraged me to read…How to win friends & Influence People which led me directly TO the Bible.. the prologue said MANY of the principles had been taken straight from the


Mentoring His Way by Dr Roy Comstock

33 the series, meeting with men in general

Christian Men’s Books – Edwin Louis Cole. Christian Financial Resources by Larry Burkett

Their commitment and love for God

Mainly the Bible.

Navigators Scripture Memory

Master Life

Word of Life’s devotional journal booklet.

Evangelism Explosion, JD Kennedy “Why I Believe”

Personal stories of how others accepted Jesus as their personal savior.

Participating in a men’s weekly study group.

Berean Bible Collage home study coursework in the mid 1980’s

None …

First Fruits of Zion and their many resources. Now the weekly Torah Club, focuses on the Torah Readings and really unpacks that.

Many decades ago- Hershel Hobbs “Baptist Faith and Message”. Loved the little book.

Intergenerational Discipleship resources developed by Christian Service Brigade

It wasn’t a book. It was working side by side with a wise mentor. I was a brand new Christian and new to a church and they were building a parsonage. I was on the roof along with George putting on shingles. That was my classroom time with wise Christian mentors in my new community of believers. Those talk times were priceless.



Navigators 2:7 series, D James Kennedy’s Evangelism Explosion, Bill Gothard Seminars, and time with the family of believers!

Campus Crusade’s Discipleship series.

Praise and worship music. As a musician, being introduced to praising God through music was monumental to me, in growing closer to the Lord. God Bless.


Experiencing God

several books by various authors, but the best was a notebook my youth pastor put together and helped with spiritual disciplines.  another was a book titled “tallyho the fox” by Herb Hodges

John Eldridge’s “Wild at Heart”


Elijah House prayer ministry
Devine Design for Discipleship by Chad Craig. DDD is one of the most biblically sound books that just breaks down the word of God and then shows you how to apply it. Elijah House shows you your sins all the way even back to childhood and helps you pray for break through. And then there’s Watchmen Nee, awesome!!
Student ministry program at our church as a teen and the praise and worship program as a student at the Naval Academy.   After the death of my first wife, as a newly married team (Margena and I were both widowed) we lead a class for newlyweds at our church that became a strong fellowship group and we felt God’s leadership in our group.

Face to Face Conversation, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Bible classes/Study, Speakers/Conferences ,Podcasts such as “yours”, Man Up,Man in the Nirroe, Greg Laurie, Joel Osteen, Dr Voddie Baucham, Charles Stanley(In Touch),Daily Devotional(s),Personal Relationship(Orally/listening quietly)with Our Lord.

Finding someone to walk with such a mentor or even joining a small men’s group to help you grow and deal with the struggles all of us face.

Classes led by my senior pastor.

Promise Keepers

The Men’s Fraternity 33 Series

Multiple studies for men.

By example.  How they lived their lives.

Most recently, our pastor used the book, “Disciplines of a Godly Man” by R. Kent Hughes for a discipleship group.

Men’s Fraternity then 33 The Series

Design for Discipleship by Nav Press

Men’s group ministry and men’s retreats were very helpful


Consistent contact and social invites. Becoming a friend

Prayer, witnessing and serving others.

Billy Graham tracts and booklets.

Operation Timothy by CBMC Ministry

Soulcon/Gibborim Productions

Bible Studies

Accountability Worksheet

The book “The Measure of a Man” and the ministry of Ed Coles.

Time.  They gave me their time and poured their life into mine.

Discipleship tools.   Training from Institute of Basic Life Principles by Bill Gothard. Basic Life Seminar for 6 evenings, and Saturday July 1993.   Then, continued to Study Advance principles Seminar in Sept. 1993. my wife, actually went through the seminar in 1992.  Our entire family attended in 1993.  videos available.

In the mid-80s when I was in the service in Italy our pastor who went to Dallas Theological Seminary. Used overhead view graphs

Investing time to disciple and using several books on discipleship

We talked to several guys

Listen to them on the podcast...

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