For Part 1 of this series, Hope in the Supplier, Not the Supply: Finding Financial Hope During a Crisis, click HERE. For Part 2 of this series, Practical Tips from Gary Wood: Finding Financial Hope During a Crisis, click HERE. Continuing our series on Finding Financial Hope During a Crisis, we spoke with our friend Randy Rowekamp of Crown Financial Ministries about the resources Crown has to offer. Randy is a Budget Coach and Small Group Leader as well as a Workshop Presenter at our Noble Man conferences. Crown is focused on helping people through this crisis. Since the pandemic has hit, they’ve been fielding calls from individuals and families who have lost one or both incomes, are requesting one-on-one help, and are looking for answers on how to contact creditors, lower interest rates, delay payments, and more. Yes, it is a time of crisis, but Randy encourages people to “look at this as a period of time where they can strengthen how they’re going to steward everything God’s given them.”
Tools in Your Toolbox
“Crown is just a tool.” Tools are useful when you have the right one for the job – and you choose to use it. Two weeks ago, we shared their Resources for Coronavirus Economic Impact page. It’s full of links to job search tools, budgeting worksheets, mortgage calculators, and quarantine activities. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. The Crown Courses Library offers ways to increase your Financial IQ and come out of the crisis better informed and prepared than before. For couples, the Money Dates are a great way to spend time together and come out of this more unified in their finances than ever, and right now Crown is offering the first 4 Modules for free. Randy advises that couples sit down and talk about your life purpose and says working together to set and achieve stewardship goals can lead to stronger marriages and more financial security over time. Crown partners with Christian Credit Counselors to help free people from the burden of credit card debt. Start with a Free Debt Analysis, and find out how to save money on payments and eventually eliminate debt altogether. For those who want to go a bit deeper, personalized help is available through the Crown MoneyLife™ Mentoring Program. For a $50 investment, you’ll meet with a certified mentor to develop a customized spending and debt elimination plan. This individualized guidance provides added accountability to help you stick with it when it gets tough.
A Wealth of Generosity
Randy points to the example of the Macedonians in 2 Corinthians, believers who gave generously though they were in dire straits themselves. “We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints.” 2 Corinthians 8:1-4 Look at how Paul describes their circumstances. They endured a severe test of affliction and extreme poverty, yet they maintained an abundance of joy and gave beyond their means. In fact, they begged to take part in God’s work! Just as this current crisis came about, He can end it. In the meantime, how can we glorify God? We show trust in Him when we give, and we miss out when we allow fear to stop us. Don’t overlook what God can do.
Our hope doesn’t depend on the state of the nation’s economy.
This too will end. For continued access to his tips and resources, subscribe to Randy Rowekamp’s Crown Regional Newsletter.