Family Update / September 2020
TIM AND CAROLINE celebrated 1 year of marriage on September 1. It’s hard to believe they’ve already been married a year. Be on the lookout for a special 1st year of marriage podcast with them!
ZACH is back at VT wearing his mask and serving as Company Commander for Kilo Company in the VT Corps of Cadets. He and a buddy are preparing to lead a group of guys through the 33 Series: A Man and His Design!
With Zach gone, I’m BEN’S assistant mechanic. I helped him pull another transmission in August. We do have to jack the truck up a bit higher! Ben’s Tuesday night men’s group is up and running again!
HANNAH has started school! She’s doing a combination of home school co-op and public-school classes. This arrangement leaves much time for babysitting!
I got a year older in August (but not any wiser!) Our small group with young couples is meeting in person again under the pavilion at our church. STACY AND I delight in the opportunity to invest in these young couples!
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® Monthly Partner Letter. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.