Originally Posted by Mike Young January 2006
Well, the Christmas decorations have been put away at our house. I told Stacy that I am always excited to see Christmas coming but I’m also glad to see all the trappings quietly tucked away. It’s not because I don’t like the celebration. My problem is that I may place too much emphasis on productivity. I like to get to the end of the day and feel like something has been accomplished. On days where there is little structure, like the days between Christmas and New Years, it’s hard to feel like you are getting anywhere.
Right or wrong, I get a bit frustrated when I don’t get something done. So, I don’t know about you, but I am happy that we have returned to typical routines again.
Our children, on the other hand, are dismayed. Perhaps yours are different, but ours are not happy about returning to school. At dinner on Monday, Timothy, our oldest, announced that he had spent the better part of the day trying to figure out how to make the universe stop. That’s an interesting thought isn’t it? He would like the world to stop so he wouldn’t have to go to school. I’m sure each of us has occasionally wished we could speed up, slow down or even stop the movement of time.
But time continues, regardless.
Do you share my concern about the things that you didn’t get done yesterday? Last week? Last year? I certainly have many things that didn’t get marked off of my list. That’s when I would like to be able to control time. Sometimes, I wish that a referee would stop the game, penalize the enemy, put some time back on the clock and let me replay the down. It happens in football, why can’t it happen in life? I think its part of God’s design. We don’t get many do-overs in life.
However, there are always new opportunities.
With 2006, we have a new start. Perhaps there were things on your list you didn’t get done in 2005. We can’t go back, but we can adjust our game plan for this year. Consider this verse; You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self… to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24
Seek “to be made new in the attitude of your mind,” especially with regard to leading your family in spiritual matters.
Here are some things you may want to consider….
1. Would you be more intentional about spending time in prayer and Bible study?
You need to develop YOUR relationship with Christ.
2. Would you pray for and with your wife regularly?
Increased spiritual intimacy will strengthen your marriage.
3. Will you dedicate more time and effort toward teaching spiritual truths to your children?
Sunday School and children’s programs are great, but nothing will have the same impact as a father teaching his children.
4. Would you ask God to help you recognize and act on opportunities to serve others?
Christ modeled leadership through service and taught us that humility and sacrifice are characteristics of His true followers.
5. Will you make a firm commitment to a local Bible-believing church?
If you aren’t plugged into a local church, don’t put it off. Noble Warriors, or any other ministry, is no substitute for active participation in a local church.
A new year has started. It’s a great time to adjust your family leadership game plan. You know if you don’t take some initiative, and lead courageously, you’ll soon be looking back at another year of opportunities you missed to lead your family spiritually. Remember, neither you, nor I, nor Timothy can control the passing of time.