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Originally Posted by Mike Young September 2014
When it comes to Men’s Ministry, team work is a huge piece of the puzzle. It takes a solid team of men to plan, prepare, disciple and multiply the work and ministry. This video of an Amish barn raising offers a great picture of what an effective team can accomplish.
Here are 6 lessons on team work that we can take away:
1. Someone had to do a lot of planning!
The barn was built in only 10 hours, but I’d really love to know how many hours of planning and preparation were invested to get ready. Who on your team has the capacity to plan events that run smoothly?
2. No one’s time was wasted.
One of the critical challenges with service projects involving men is that there tends to be a lot of standing around talking. It looks like the project planner was thoughtful about making sure every guy was engaged and productive.
3. It’s great to do something together that you couldn’t do alone.
Imagine the satisfaction that these men (especially the young men) felt at the end of the day when they could clearly see what they were part of. Every man wants to be part of something bigger than he is. What God-sized challenges are the men of your church being called to?
4. Laughter.
Although you can’t hear it or see it. I have to believe that there was much laughter among the men who worked shoulder to shoulder throughout the day. Are you thoughtfully and intentionally getting your men together?
5. Rest and Fellowship.
Notice that midway through the video, there’s no activity. I’m sure there was a huge feast and celebration. That may have been the highlight of the day for many. Sometimes, your men need to just hang out, eat and enjoy time together.
6. Someone was blessed.
I haven’t tried to count the number of men involved but I expect this barn was built for one family. It’s often difficult for men to ask for help. What a humbling but satisfying experience it must have been for the owner of the barn to see so many respond to his request for help. How can you create a ‘safe’ environment for men be real with others?
Bonus: The blessers become blessed.
(I had to throw in an extra one!) After writing the last point, I realized that when I give time or treasure to bless others, I am blessed simply by being able to help or give. This is a great truth to help your men experience. How are you helping them experience the blessings of giving and serving?
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