Stacy and I were DINKS (Double Income No Kids) when we traveled to Michigan to visit Gordon and Joan Ramsay. Gordon and Joan were friends with Stacy through Virginia Tech Baptist Student Union. They married a few years before us and already had a child. We learned much from watching them do ‘family’ on our visit. But the most important part was when Gordon told me how reading the book, Point Man by Steve Farrar, had given him perspective, guidance and direction in leading his family and raising his young son as a godly man.
This word of advice from a dad who was just a few steps further down the road made a huge impact on me. AND his investment has been multiplied many times over as I have shared Point Man with others. My original copy has been gone for years. I loaned it out several times and eventually it didn’t find its way back. That was long before Noble Warriors was even conceived.
Gordon Ramsay planted a seed in my life. It began to sprout, and now the fruit from that initial investment continues to reproduce in the lives of many others because of your support for the ongoing ministry of Noble Warriors. We have given away many copies of Point Man and consistently recommended it to ministry leaders for small groups and one-on-one discipleship. As a matter of fact, I’m now walking through Point Man with a young father at our church and just recommended it to another young dad who has 5 sons.
Would you take time to pray that these investments will continue to produce fruit? if you’ve never read Point Man, buy a few copies and read it with another man or a small group of men. Blessings will be multiplied as you discover and share God’s plan for men, marriage and family!
Let’s pray for and seek to be men like Andrew. When he learned of Jesus, he went to tell his brother… “first found his own brother Simon and said to him, ‘we have found the Messiah’ (which means Christ). He brought him to Jesus.” John 1:41-42a ESV
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® Monthly Partner Letter. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.