Minute with Mike | June 2022
I noted in last month’s letter that I had been challenged to clarify my calling. Helping churches build men is the basic mandate. Nothing has changed here, but I wrestled with developing a succinct, meaty statement.
I started with: My calling is to multiply men’s discipleship in the local church.
Pretty solid, but as I pondered and prayed through each word, I landed on something even better.
My calling is to catalyze men’s discipleship through the local church.
A subtle change of two words makes a difference.
Catalyze vs. Multiply – A catalyst causes something to happen or to happen more quickly but is not used up in the process. I must develop sustainable habits and rhythms so Noble Warriors can help churches disciple men without flaming out in the process.
Through vs. In – Yes, we need to disciple the men in the church. That’s a given. But there are many hungry, hurting, lost, and lonely men in our communities. We must work together to mobilize healthy men in local churches to reach men who are far from Christ with the life-giving Gospel and discipleship in biblical manhood.
Churches have mature men who could be trained and deployed to communities filled with men who are searching for what Jesus gives.
Thanks for working with us to catalyze the reaction for His glory and Kingdom advancement!
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® Monthly Partner Letter, Battle Briefing. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.