Minute with Mike | May 2021
The Tailgate Tour has been awesome! I always want more guys involved, but I’ve been reminded over and over again that God is working not only in the midst of these events but also around the edges. We’ve started keeping track of Collateral Blessings.
For context, collateral damage is a military term to classify any death, injury, or other damage inflicted that is an incidental result of an operation.
We’re using the term Collateral Blessings to identify the cool things that God is doing before, after, and all around the Tailgates!
Your investments of prayer and resources created opportunities for God to move before and beyond the events!
Here are a few…
Church Connections
Hosting the Tailgates has created opportunities to reach out to many new churches and create interest and awareness in areas where we’ve previously done little or no ministry.
Speaker Connections
It has been a great blessing to be able to invite pastors and ministry leaders from across the state to share a message with other men at a Tailgate.
Because of our Tailgate Emails
A guy who used to live in Richmond but is now in Las Vegas, NV asked for help with reaching men at his new church.
Another ministry leader at a local university contacted me to talk about strategies to minister to young men on campus.
Your support makes the events possible but is also multiplied in all the Collateral Blessings!
- Pray that the men would continue to find ways to gather together. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25
- Pray for our team as we pursue next steps in following up with new relationships.
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® Monthly Partner Letter, Battle Briefing. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.