I want to share an article I found helpful as we close out this month’s theme on The Noble Man Podcast, The Noble Man Invests in Faithful Men. We’ve seen different ways discipleship can take place, whether it’s a Shoe Shine Ministry like Dr. Ed Gomes, or Front-Porch Discipling like Don Coleman, they all have one thing in common… intentionality. Carey Bates emphasizes the need for prayer, a biblical foundation, and fellowship with other men to begin intentional discipleship.
Discipleship might be spontaneous or structured, but it is never haphazard.
In Is Faithful Discipleship Spontaneous or Structured? Yes., church-planter Chris Davidson encourages us to be intentional about discipling others as well as being discipled.
“The reality is, no one is above discipleship. We all need it.”
Davidson presents four challenges that sometimes stop men from finding authentic discipleship relationships: “transparency, fear, trust, and pride. It is hard for those who are living double lives to keep that up when they are pulled into an intentional one-to-one relationship.”
Is there one of these that is holding you back from being discipled or putting yourself in a position to disciple others?
I challenge you to pray as you read through the article that you would be open and ready for the challenge of being a faithful man who invests in faithful men.