Last week, we interviewed Joe Harvey and his role in Brian Dalrymple’s journey towards the ‘very next thing.’ This week we spoke to Dave Anderson a dear friend of Noble Warriors and the men’s ministry leader at Brian’s church. (Check out the blog post here.) We got to know Dave a little better and his thoughts on Brian’s step towards leadership.
What do you do for a living?
I’m an electrician, currently working for Alpha Automation.
How long have you been a believer?
I have been a Believer in God as long as I can remember but never really went to church until 2012 when my wife (Shari) and I started going to church.
Where do you go to church?
Next Step Church, Aylett – formerly, Family Life Baptist Church of Aylett in King William County.
In what ways do you serve in your church?
My wife (Shari) and I are on a cleaning team and the usher team, I’m also the Men’s Ministry Leader, Shari and I are also on the Church Staff, and I coordinate most of the maintenance / work that needs to be done at the church.
Does your church have a relationship with Noble Warriors?
The church does but not directly, I keep the church informed of Noble Warriors events and activities. I try to attend the events that Noble Warriors have in Central Virginia, but a lot of the events are on Tuesday evenings and that is when we have our Men’s Ministry. I have attended several of the Pastor and Leaders Conferences held in January and shared with church the information from those conferences. The church does promote the Iron Sharpens Iron conferences.
In what ways have you served at the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference?
Several members of Next Step Church, my wife (Shari) and I have prepared and served dinner for the volunteers for the conference on Friday evening for the last 4 years. We also have helped do the SWAG (Stuff We All Get) bags for the conference after dinner. I have also served as an usher at the conference.
What is your relationship with Brian Dalrymple?
My relationship with Brian has mainly been through the Men’s Ministry.
In what ways have you seen Brian grow since you have gotten to know him?
Brian has gone from just attending the Men’s Ministry meetings to facilitating one of the small groups. Brian has also started meeting with four or five men from our church on Tuesday mornings at the local Bojangles. Brian has developed a passion to connect with other men. I believe this has been a direct result of attending an Iron Sharpens Iron Conference breakout session led by Mike Young. Brian use to be reserved and quiet and now he regularly engages other men in the church. Brian is not afraid to reach out for advice and guidance on how to develop relationships with other men.
Next we will hear from Brian’s wife, Janey. Stay tuned!
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