Guys – this one is for you to pass on to your wives. We’ve noticed a gap to fill, and we want to encourage women as they love the Noble Men in their lives and are raising up future Noble Men. If you have women in your life who would like to receive our new monthly email, For the Love of Noble Men, please have them sign up here. We pray you will share this with them and that it will be an encouragement to your whole family.
Is Your Husband Mr. Incredible?
I’m sure you remember the movie The Incredibles – especially if you have kids. The family of superheroes is living in disguise, attempting an average, normal life to fit in with everyone else. Only this was a problem for Mr. Incredible. The superhero could not make amends with a life of mediocrity. He knew deep down he was made for more. He was unsatisfied plodding along, day-to-day, when out of the corner of his eye he spied someone who needed saving, a cause and a purpose greater than himself.
He knew he was up for the job, but his daily grind wouldn’t allow it.
What Makes Men Come Alive?
For you ladies who love Noble Men, you just might be married to Mr. Incredible, and you also might be raising future Mr. Incredibles. In his book Wild at Heart, John Eldredge breaks down the needs of men into 3 categories:
- A Battle to Fight
- An Adventure to Live
- A Beauty to Rescue
There is a superhero inside your husband and your sons. A hero who is called to be a Kingdom-builder and a fighter for the Truth of the Word. God made man for a purpose, and ladies, you play a role in how he fulfills that calling. Stephen Arterburn in The Secrets Men Keep: How Men Make Life and Love Tougher Than It Has to Be says,
“A little encouragement from a wife might result in a man who is free to be all he was meant to be, all he has longed to be, and all God has wanted him to be.”
Loving Noble Men
This year, we want to dive into what it looks like to love and support Noble Men. I know it’s not always easy, but there is no one whose cheerleading and encouragement means more to me than my wife Stacy. I am not always deserving, yet she is patient with my efforts and forgiving when I fail. I’d bet your husband feels that way too. Pray for him, and praise him if you can, as he makes any efforts to be the man God calls him to be.
Colossians 1:9-11 is powerful to pray over your husband.
“. . . That you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.”
Biblical Manhood, NOT Toxic Masculinity
Our mission at Noble Warriors is to serve the church as they equip men to walk with Christ and lead well. We have seen too many examples of cultural masculinity that are lacking. Biblical manhood is the opposite of toxic masculinity. We want to see men who are servant leaders and exemplify Christ loving the church as he loves his wife and lays himself down for her. When we build men, we build the family and the church, and everyone benefits from it.
We discussed some of these insights and more with three ladies on Why Men? Episode 42 of The Noble Man Podcast. As you listen, I hope it encourages you too.