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“Dad, everything isn’t about men’s discipleship.”
That’s what Hannah, my teenage daughter says to me when I mention the connection between something I’ve noticed and my calling to help churches disciple men. It does get a bit comical at times, but I see the world through a lens where most every issue we face would be eliminated or eased if more men were walking faithfully with Jesus and leading well.
In 2004 at an NCMM conference in Washington DC my calling to disciple men became crystal clear.
The story of Noble Warriors began with the National Coalition of Ministries to Men. And our relationship with NCMM continues. I’m excited to serve this ministry that exists to connect the men who disciple men.
So, you may disciple men one-on-one, lead a small group of men, lead your men’s ministry, pastor a church where discipling men is a priority (or should be). You may write books, speak at men’s events, lead a ministry to men or be a champion for fatherhood. You may mentor young men, host prison Bible studies or lead an outdoor ministry.
But here’s the bottom line…
If God has burdened your heart and called you to disciple men in some way, you need to be in Dallas with me and other like-minded men on October 22-23 at the National Training on Ministry to Men.
View video here.
Check out the details here.
I first heard about the NCMM on a Focus on the Family Radio broadcast in the late summer of 2004. The 2-day program featured Patrick Morley, Chris Van Brocklin and Vince D’Acchioli speaking with Dr. Dobson and HB London. The show was rebroadcast on FamilyTalk last year. Here’s a link to the show that caught my attention and helped launch Noble Warriors!
Essential Role of Men’s Ministry – Part 1
Essential Role of Men’s Ministry – Part 2
Friends, let me know if you have questions. I hope to see you in Dallas next month!