“Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.” Psalm 112: 1-2
Jarrod is the Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church in New York.
Jarrod isn’t new to The Noble Man and has a special passion for speaking to men. Jarrod’s youth pastor, Bob Moon, was the key man who kickstarted his journey. Now Jarrod is discipling others.
“In today’s climate, men need to be ‘in – couraged’ to live out who they are in Christ– forgiven, strong, free, meaning-filled, bold, righteous, loving, and sacrificial with their lives. What a life! What a force!“
Currently, Jarrod is reading and praying through A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie.
“His night and day prayer entries help me pray for myself and others in ways I wouldn’t without his guidance.”
His favorite books to give to others are Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing and A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. At this point in his life, the man in the Bible Jarrod most identifies with is Moses, specifically when he was arguing with God that he was not God’s man to speak and lead.
“He felt unqualified and ungifted. Yet, God’s response: ‘I am with you.'”
A fun fact about Jarrod is that he sleeps under a 25 pound weighted blanket. He also offers his short ebook 10 Ways to Support a Loved One with Mental Illness free with a subscription to his blog: jarrodjones.com. He also offers 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life for free as well. To connect with Jarrod on a few different platforms: Twitter @jarrodjones / Instagram @jarrodleejones / Facebook: JarrodJones.