10 Reasons to bring a team of men to Leading Noble Men:
10. Every ministry in your church would benefit from more men who walk with Jesus.
09. Discipling men should be a priority in the church.
08. Our culture doesn’t know what manhood looks like. The church can help.
07. The boys in your church need godly male role models.
06. We’re going to have Chick-fil-A biscuits.
05. Stephen Mansfield will share his AbuJohn story. You don’t want to miss it.
04. Discipling men is a challenge. Some encouragement will be a blessing.
03. Many women in your church would love to see more men who look like Jesus.
02. Dhati Lewis disciples men who launch and lead church plants. We’ll all learn something from him.
01. Pastor, your ministry will only be as strong as the men who stand with you.
10 Reasons you shouldn’t bring a leadership team to Leading Noble Men:
10. You have more godly men in your church than you know what to do with.
09. Every wife in your church is already being loved by her husband the way Christ loves the church.
08. No guy in your church is tempted by pornography or wrestles with anger.
07. Your men have already led everyone in their community to faith in Christ.
06. Every young man in your church is marriageable and ready to lead a wife.
05. All your men already meet the qualifications of elders and deacons.
04. You really don’t like Chick-fil-A biscuits.
03. The children in your church are never exasperated by their dads.
02. The leadership positions in your church are all covered. There’s really no room for new leaders.
01. You’ve got the manhood thing covered for your church. No inspiration or encouragement needed.