Young Adventures / February 2018
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4
January provided a couple of unique opportunities for us to see our Tim and Zach in their environments!
Stacy and I traveled to New York to be part of a Navigators retreat for West Point cadets and Navigators from posts across the country. I presented a workshop on Biblical manhood but the highlights of the event were seeing Tim and his friends being challenged to live out their faith in the context of the Army. The added bonus was getting to hear Tim share a testimony in front of his peers!
Later in the month, I traveled to Blacksburg to share a message about how God intersects and interrupts our lives at a BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries) gathering. Again, it was great fun to be able to share, but it was most exciting to hear Zach share a testimony and interact with his friends!
We did fight the flu in our household… Ben was down for a few days but when he began to feel better be bragged… “I beat the flu in 2 days.” He went back down quickly.
Hannah and Ben were both delighted to miss school so they could help with the Leading Noble Men conference. She was also generous to let me borrow some of her hair for a few photos…
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® Monthly Partner Letter. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.