Part 1 of THE RIGHT NEXT STEP series.
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
18 hours to change your life and your legacy forever.
That’s what Nolan found when he dared to take THE RIGHT NEXT STEP.
What if THE RIGHT NEXT STEP isn’t what you planned it would be, what you thought it would be, or what you wanted?
Nolan knew he was supposed to start something. The only problem – he didn’t feel equipped or prepared. But what he found was life-changing, and not just for Nolan.
Every man has the rumble in his gut to up-anchor and overcome inertia.
Every guy wants the result of taking that step, but too many of us are afraid to take that step. You’ve got to do whatever you have to do to take that first step.
Sometimes you need backup.
Nolan was at a point where he was seeking God and what He wanted him to do. His vision was for a neighborhood group to meet – men who were all new to the Word. Nolan felt the call and was determined to overcome that inertia.
That’s when he connected with Noble Warriors. Now he had backup on this new endeavor. He wasn’t alone.
It is impossible to steer a boat that isn’t moving. If there is no motion, there’s nothing to steer.
We get frustrated that we don’t see God moving our lives even when we are not giving Him the opportunity to direct us. Anxiety and even fear can come before taking that first step. But once you overcome that, as Nolan found, it’s game on!
Nolan began seeking God, and he began telling men at church about his small group. And you know what? It didn’t go as planned. It wasn’t what Nolan thought it would be, but when Nolan started moving, God started directing him. No one in his neighborhood ended up joining the group. Instead, some men from church took interest and dove in.
Nolan first had to practice obedience and put the word out. He had the take the right first step. Then he had to walk it out. Now, he has momentum.
Taking THE RIGHT NEXT STEP has a ripple effect.
Nolan implemented BetterMan® and attributes Noble Warriors as a catalyst to engaging the right resource. It is the first BetterMan® group he’s led and the first study designed to go deep.
“It’s impossible to go through it and not get close unless you are not engaging.”
The guys didn’t really know each other at first, but they have been willing to be open. According to Nolan, if he had not had backup, he might have made a different decision when things didn’t go as planned.
It’s a good thing he didn’t because, as a result, lives are changing.
As they went through a lesson on Priorities, one man faced a life-altering decision. He made that choice with other men to back him up, and we can’t wait to tell you that story in November.
11 weeks.
18 hours.
That’s how long it takes to complete a BetterMan® course with other men. That’s how long it takes to change a life and legacy forever. That’s what drives Noble Warriors ministry to Engage, Equip, and Encourage men.
Now Nolan sees a bigger vision and has received constant encouragement from Noble Warriors. Realizing the potential, being tied in with Noble Warriors, it could become something really impactful. What if each guy helps another church start a group?
Noble Warriors exists to catalyze men like Nolan for Christ, but we don’t do it alone.
Maybe the step Nolan took seems small to you, but maybe it seems astronomical. Sometimes it does when we take THE RIGHT NEXT STEP.
Each of us has a step to take, and we would like to know if you’ll take the first step to join us.
Learn more.
Check out the resources.
The course awaits. It is time to get moving.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 199:105