I lead a couple of men’s groups and often the topic comes up about “accountability.” I’m looking for a good resource that some men and I can use as a guide. I’m looking for general accountability that can be used for getting healthy, prayer, other goals, sexual purity, etc…
Here are some tools that I find to be quite helpful. Most guys aren’t going to raise their hands to say, “I need/want accountability in my life.” So, I’ve stopped using the term. I often talk now about having some wise men in my life, because I need the wisdom of other men and need them to help point me to God’s wisdom.
So, some great tools to catalyze conversations are…
Point Man: How a Man Can Lead a Family by Steve Farrar.
It’s a book study that covers much ground and launches robust biblical conversations.
Authentic Manhood 33: The Series (especially Volume 3)
A Man and His Traps is especially helpful. It helps every man to see idols that he’s worshiping in his life.
Extreme Mind Makeover by Steve Etner
Great book by a former pastor who was caught up in lust, pornography and masturbation. He stepped away from the ministry but has walked in victory for many years because of the power of God’s Word. He does a great job of challenging men to engage the Word deeply.
The Conquer Series
A two part video series by Ted Roberts on purity. High octane stuff!
A group Bible Study (intense) that helps a group of men develop community and begin to encourage each other to live a life of integrity in all areas, but does focus much on purity.