Do you have a few “best” studies to do with my 11 year old son that you recommend?
Love the question and your desire to invest in your boys!
Those mornings at Chick-fil-A have been great times… Here are several of the resources we’ve used over the years…
- Every Young Man’s Battle by Steve Arterburn and Fred Stoeker – (Honestly, I didn’t feel great at the beginning about this book because I thought, “I really don’t want the boys to be thinking about these things. I was reminded that when I was their age, I was already thinking about girls, sex, pornography etc. AND… as we talked through the chapters, I found that they were appreciative of the conversations we were having and were absolutely wrestling with these challenges.)
- Seasons of a Leaders Life by Jeff Iorg – Dr. Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminar in CA. He writes much on leadership. This book focuses on how Jesus trained Peter for leadership. It’s one of my favorite leadership resources.
- Heidelberg Catechism – I’ve also reviewed portions of this classic with the guys.
- Thoughts for Young Men by JC Ryle – This book was written in the late 1800’s but I’m simply amazed by how applicable the chapters/instructions were for today. Really enjoyed going through this one with them.
So, there are a few. We’ve also spent mornings talking through Proverbs (especially chapters 5-7) and Psalms (especially chapters 1 & 133) as well as other passages.