I’ve talked with way too many men, young and old, who have been caught in the trap of pornography use, either currently or at some point in their lives. They recognize the damage it does in their own lives and marriages and some are even astute enough to say that it keeps them from stepping up to do anything in or through the local church.
Satan is a clever foe who tangles men in this web of sin and shame such that they are neutralized. This is why many men who are physically present are reluctant to be emotionally engaged at home, church or even community.
Men, do you have a strategy in place to address the temptations to view pornography?
Leaders, is your church addressing this issue in a healthy, God-honoring, redemptive way?
If you don’t have good answers to these questions, there are a variety of strong resources available.
Here are a few thoughts for men…
You can try this alone but Satan will continue to have his way with you as long as you try to battle in isolation. Round up a few buddies and consider one of the following:
- Read and discuss one of these books with a small group.
- Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time by Fred Stoeker and Steve Areteburn
- Extreme Mind Makeover: How to transform sinful thoughts and habits into God-pleasing patterns By Steve Etner
- Subscribe to Covenant Eyes for your personal devices and all the internet connected devices in your home.
- Purchase the Conquer Series with a few other guys and go through this video-driven study together.
- Check out PROVEN Men and consider launching a PROVEN Men group with a few guys.
Here are a few thoughts for church leaders…
- Do some research on the pervasive damage being caused by pornography.
- Get bold enough to ask some men to share their story about exposure to pornography (almost every guy has one). Better yet, be willing to share your own story.
- Stop being shocked that Satan has impacted men in this way.
- Pray for wisdom and ask God to help you develop a strategic plan to poke Satan in the eye as your church confronts this issue with boldness and redemptive grace.
- Continue to pray for men, marriages and your church as you make strategic investments in equipping men to walk in sexual integrity.
Want some help? Let us know (office@www.noblewarriors.org); we’re happy to offer encouragement, guidance and support!