I hope you’ve been encouraged this September to make Family Meals a part of your routine, to be creative, and to find what works for your family. I want to sum up Family Meals Month with practical ways to be intentional about incorporating some form of discipleship into this time.
1. Choose a passage of scripture and memorize it together.
2. Read through the Bible together. I have a friend who manages to go through the Bible with his family every few years just by reading a little bit each day.
3. Keep your Christmas cards and pull one out each time you gather to pray for a friend.
4. Go through a devotional book together. There are many to choose from. Try one of these to start with:
- One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion Starters: A Daily Family Devotional with 365 Opportunities to Grow Closer to God as a Family by Nancy Guthrie
5. Choose a current event to discuss. This is a great one to incorporate as your kids get older.
I often picked a current event or news article to bring to the table each evening. This family worship time enabled us to teach our children to go to the Word and think biblically about current affairs. One resource to aid in this discussion is watching WORLD Watch and engaging with your kids over breakfast. In this 10 minute video program kids and parents “will learn what’s going on all over the world through biblically sound headlines, news briefs, and feature stories.”
6. Let’s Build a Manger!®
Do an activity together. It’s the perfect time of year to start anticipating the Christmas season. Use the simple devotional and easy-to-build kit to help keep Christ in front of Christmas.
I used to feel intimidated, looking around at what others were doing and feeling inadequate. But don’t be! Family worship looks different for everyone. You’ve got to find what fits your family and your DNA. Doing nothing is unacceptable, but you don’t have to be a rockstar, either. There is lots of space for you to be you. The key is intentionality.
“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13