Partner News / August 2020
Recent conversations with pastors and leaders have reminded me that these are challenging times on many levels.
From where we stand now, the original question of how to transition from live worship to some sort of virtual worship was simple. But now, things are getting more complex. Churches are working hard to offer a COVID-19 aware in-person worship experience for some portion of the flock IN ADDITION to maintaining a quality remote worship option.
Many churches have wrestled with risk factors that make it unwise for them to meet in person at all. And those who are meeting are challenged with diverse opinions about whether it’s right or necessary to wear masks. These issues are further compounded by the reality of racial challenges in our culture.
I’m not interested in creating a forum for debate here but simply pointing out that shepherding a family, a church or any other organization in this season is trying.
The mission of Noble Warriors is to serve the church as it equips men to walk with Christ and lead well.
Perhaps the best way we could serve the church right now would be to remind each of you to pray for your pastor(s), by name, daily.
Take a moment (even now) to pray for your pastor and the other church leaders by name.
Thank you for praying for our team and the ministry of Noble Warriors. We know that your warfare on our behalf is powerful.
Nickel Prayer Defense
A simple way to remind men to pray for their pastor. Learn more at
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® Monthly Partner Letter. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.