At our annual summit last month, the members of NCMM affirmed me as the next President of this organization that has been so helpful to me and Noble Warriors. I’m excited and thankful for this opportunity to serve and encourage other men who have been called out by God to disciple men.
God has given me an interesting view of life that I call a “Men Lens”. I get pretty excited when I see that men are walking with Christ and learning how to lead well. Godly men make a difference everywhere… certainly in their homes. But also in the classroom, in the office, at the ball field, in warehouses and Christmas shopping lines.
Clearly, I’m biased, but I can’t think of a worthier ministry investment than to sow the Gospel into the lives of men. Transformed men transform everything… many times over. We covet your prayers and ask that you talk with God about the possibility of making a one-time gift to this work or even better, joining our partnership team with a monthly commitment. There is much to do and there will be much to celebrate as seeds sown now, will reap a harvest for years and generations!
Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Matthew 13:8
For additional ministry updates, read our 2016 Partnership Letter.