“Everything is permissible for me”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me”—but I will not be mastered by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:12 (NIV)
“I am committed to do my part to see the body of Christ experience revival. My part is dealing with digital addiction. We are seeing mass-addiction around the world, and this addiction is an idol. Once repented of, I’m convinced that God wants to pour out His Spirit.”
With technology ever expanding, Brad’s ministry is certainly relevant to us in our day’s culture. He says he wants to see this revival in the way we use technology, starting with men.
“I love to see fathers/husbands take their God-ordained role in the family. As far as the topic God has given me, I want to see fathers/husbands lead their family in a successful digital detox with the spiritual goal of watching God replacing digital addiction with intimacy with God.”
Brad’s passion for ministry of course couldn’t have started without being discipled himself. He says the man who was most influential in his faith journey happens to be his Uncle Skip.
“He led me to the Lord when I was about 12 years old. He ran the Royal Ranger program for our church and went out of his way to pick me up each week and begin my discipleship process through that program. Uncle Skip has my back to this day.”
It’s only appropriate that Brad cites Uncle Skip as well as his grandfather as two heroes in his life. As for what he’s reading, Brad is currently reading, Grace is Greater by Kyle Idelman.
“I’m learning that no matter how badly I’ve sinned in the past and even the present, if I am honest and repentant about my failures, God’s grace will chase me down.”
His favorite books to give to other are The Booth and Is Jesus Enough? both by Angus Buchan.
When we asked Brad which man in the Bible he most identified with, he said Paul.