It was a year and a half before retirement when Randy Rowekamp began discussing with his wife, Sara, ideas for retired life. God’s call became clear while volunteering for Crown Financial Ministries as a Budget Coach and Small Group Leader, and Randy began to see how God had prepared him for this kind of ministry that focused on biblical stewardship.
“My passion is to help people transform their beliefs and heart about money and possessions. This enables them to become faithful stewards of everything God has provided – financial resources, talents and abilities, and time.”
Randy and Sara felt that helping people with their money was a good fit for them. They had the experience needed, however lacked the training and materials. Soon after they began to pray about it, Randy heard a PSA on a Christian radio station about a class that Crown was holding in Richmond.
“We signed up for what turned out to be a direct answer to our prayers – the class trained us to become budget coaches, directly helping people. And the rest is history!”
In his free time, Randy enjoys options trading (but just as a hobby, not for retirement income), as well as “piddling around the house and yard” doing (very small) projects. He also likes to read, and while John Grisham is what he leans toward for pleasure reading, he recently read Giving Up: How Giving to God Renews Hearts, Changes Minds, and Empowers Ministry by David Roseberry.
“Giving Up is about…becoming a church filled with people who are teeming with generosity and eager to put their lives and faith forward for the sake of the Gospel. One of my favorite quotes is: ‘Generosity in the hearts of God’s people is the church’s weapon of mass salvation.'”
Randy and Sara have been married for 48 years, and they love to spend time together biking, hiking, traveling and watching Hallmark mystery movies. A travel highlight for them was a tour of Israel in 2018, and the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee was especially memorable. Randy and Sara also love spending time with their five children (four boys and one girl) and their families, which include three grandchildren (so far)!