During a span of ten years spent leading 500 engaged couples through a “Marriage Prep Workshop,” Barrett Johnson saw an urgent need, which led him to launch his ministry to families.
“When I saw how sexually broken an entire generation of young Christian adults (who were moving towards marriage) were, I knew that they needed help. I became committed to helping them.”
After serving in youth and family ministry within the local church for 25 years, Barrett and his wife, Jenifer, were called to start Imperfect & Normal Families Only (INFO for Families). Through this ministry they are committed to providing encouragement to newlyweds, as well as equipping parents with the tools they need to guide their kids to embrace God’s awesome design for sex.
“I watch the behavior and mentality of our culture moving farther and farther away from God’s design. While Christian adults reflect on ‘the good old days,’ they forget that their kids and grandkids have no memory of those days… and no commitment to a biblical standard of relationships and sexuality.”
Barrett and Jenifer will celebrate 30 years of marriage this year, and they have 5 kids, ranging from age 27 to 12. Their crew also includes three kids-in-law and three grandkids… with twins on the way! Barrett is currently reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, and he just finished Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan. He says this book “gives an amazing perspective on God’s design and how we’ve missed it.” Barrett’s goal is to help others realize that there is no perfect family, but there is a perfect God, who is willing to lead us if we will look to Him and His Word for guidance. In this workshop he will focus in on men and equip them to lead their families well. If you’d like to read more about the Johnsons, who they are and the heart of their ministry, check out these posts: