We’re 43 days out from The Noble Man Tidewater Conference which means its time to meet another one of our workshop presenters, James Taylor Jr, Pastor of The Village Church of Portsmouth. James is one of our newest workshop presenters but he is more than seasoned when it comes to the task of equipping and encouraging men.
“My passion is helping men become more aware of their value. We spend so much time going through it with trying to prove our worth but if we get close to Christ we grow from all insecurities.”
James had a difficult upbringing, but the struggles he faced as a young man is what spurred him on to search for Christ and inspire other men to find their worth in Jesus.
“I was in a very abusive home till I was 12, by my father, and I had to search high and low to be loved. It is imperative that men learn their purpose but also their value in Christ.”
With an interest for God already peaked, James says he came to know Christ personally later on in life when he was in the Navy.
“The person who discipled me was Markise Roger. He lead me to the Lord on the USS Bataan… From there he walked me through many areas of my life.”
Presently, James says that he is most identifying with Joseph in the Bible and is reading The Voice of the Heart and is learning the value of healthy emotions. Finally, he says the ultimate hero in his life if Jesus, but also his kids!
“Christ, because of his commitment to my freedom from sin and shame. But other than Christ, my kids because of the progress dealing with me…”
Register TODAY to get to know more about James and his story at The Noble Man!