Young Adventures / December 2017
Stacy and I celebrated 25 years of marriage this year on the FamilyLife “Love Like You Mean It!” Cruise. We continue to delight in new parenting experiences and investing in young families at our church. We thought life would be quieter and simpler with only two at home but our calendars are full and dinnertime conversations robust!
Tim is in his final year at West Point and recently confirmed that he’ll commission as an Infantry Officer next May. He’s serving as the Cadet in Charge of Navigators and discipling other cadets. He purchased his first vehicle this year, a Toyota Tundra.
Zach graduated from high school and worked construction over the summer before heading off to Virginia Tech to join the Corps of Cadets with a 4 year Army ROTC scholarship. He’s active in the Valor ministry and in a Bible study with some other guys through BCM.
Ben got his driver’s license this year. He was elected Junior Class President and is playing basketball at his school. He has to manage the Young Boy’s Lawn Service alone now and is leading a high school boys Bible study around our fire pit on Monday nights.
Hannah babysat and cleaned houses this spring to earn money to attend Camp Winshape. She played on the middle school basketball team and participates in a girl’s Bible study on Wednesday nights. She keeps our family and others laughing with her ‘joke of the day’ texts.
This article first appeared in the Noble Warriors® End of Year Monthly Partner Letter. Click here to learn how you can partner with us.