Nothing says “Fresh Start” like January 1. Now is a great time to begin a Bible reading plan. Are you the kind of guy who tries to figure out the right way to read the Bible in a year, or have you gotten discouraged and wondered why you should bother starting another Bible reading plan you might not complete?
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
Whether you are off to a great start or overwhelmed by the thought of planning out your Bible reading for the year, I want to give you a few ideas to encourage and empower you to spend consistent time in the Word of God in 2024.
5 Ways to Get into the Word Consistently in 2024
1. Keep going.
We are turning to a new calendar page, but God isn’t starting over. If you began a Bible reading plan in 2023 that you have not completed, KEEP GOING. If you only read halfway through your plan or the Bible, you read halfway through the Bible! Don’t give it up just because the date changed.
2. Pick a plan that suits you.
Print one out, or use an app, paper Bible, or chronological Bible. You’ve got options. I’m a huge fan of reading the Bible chronologically at least once or twice in your lifetime. It’s a great tool for understanding how the 66 books of Scripture are cohesive and unified.
But no one said you have to read the entire Bible in one year. I know someone who decided to take the entire year to study the Sermon on the Mount with The Bible Project. Read fast or study slow. Just do it. Something is better than nothing.
3. Read with your ears.
Listen to a Bible Reading plan. It’s a great method if you have more time in the car or on your feet. I highly recommend listening to the Bible at some point, even if you could sit and read for long periods. New concepts will jump out at you. You’ll pick up on something new and fresh simply because you use a different sense and part of your brain.
4. Get into the habit.
This article gets to the crux of the matter. We kick ourselves for not following through with our resolutions, yet the very tool we can employ to help us succeed feels too mundane to give it much credit. Routine rescues us from our whims, laziness, and other distractions.
“If routine smells stale to us, the problem lies in our own sniffer.” (‘Just Not Feeling It’: How Routine Awakens Devotion | by Scott Hubbard, Editor,
5. Pray.
Begin with prayer. End with Prayer. The Holy Spirit empowers us to read and understand God’s Word.
Which one of these ideas will you start with? Or do you have a plan already?
Email us and let us know about it. We want to hear your story!
5 Recommended Bibles:
- Master Builders Bible For Men
- ESV leather Bible
- ESV Study Bible
- The Men’s Bible
- The One Year Chronological Bible
Don’t know how to choose? Listen to Mike describe 5 Bibles here.
More tools to help get you started:
The Noble Man is a Man of the Word [Podcast Ep. 11] | Noble Warriors
Praying the Bible: Methods and Benefits | Noble Warriors