Joshua Meredith is a Group Leader and Partner with Proven Men Ministries, a ministry passionate about seeing men set free from sexual sin and brokenness. It implements one-on-one accountability, small groups, and workbook studies. They partner with ProvenChurches, equipping them with resources for the ProvenPath to raise up ProvenMen. Their strategy, Proven, stands for Passionate for God, Repentant in Spirit, Open and Honest, Victorious in Living, Eternal in Perspective, and Networked with other Godly People.
Meredith is passionate about speaking up on the issues of pornography and sexual brokenness in the church.
He is currently pursuing his PSAP (Pastoral Sexual Addiction Professional) through IITAP (The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals).
His favorite piece of advice is, “Don’t keep any secrets. They keep you from being loved by others and experiencing God’s love.”