Category: Women

Raising the Bow Tie Brothers feat. Queenie Jenkins

Ep. 59 | 06/15/2021

From The Podcast Episode

We’ve got a fun and unique episode this week with a mom named Queenie Jenkins who I first heard on a podcast I enjoy listening to, The World and Everything in It. Queenie and her husband Fred raise their two “kidpreneur” sons, Jabez and Christopher, in the Atlanta area. Queenie is no stranger to the sewing machine with her background in fashion design, so it was a regular part of her boys’ lives from the beginning. At ages five and three, she couldn’t keep them away from it any longer, so she dove in and began teaching them the basics along with some safety lessons. When Jabez came home from school a few years later with a vision for making and selling bow ties, she knew it was from God, and that’s when Kings and Gents Accessories was born.  

I loved this story right away – the story of a mom who let her sons take appropriate risks from a young age, and then nurtured the seeds that God planted on their hearts. 

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 

Jabez and Christopher are 15 and 14 now. They are authors, brand ambassadors, YouTube personalities, E-course developers, and they are passionate about basketball. But for Queenie, they follow God first, and being “momager” only comes after that. Above all, she prays for them and instructs them in godly wisdom. “I am raising someone’s husband and father.” 

Queenie, Fred, Jabez, and Christopher are what I like to call a “transition” family.  Queenie and Fred didn’t grow up in homes with parents who could and guide them in the ways of the Lord, but they are starting that godly legacy with their family. So how do they do it?  

Enjoy Episode 59 of The Noble Man Podcast. I hope it inspires you as it did me to invest in the ongoing development of your children and grandchildren. Cast vision for them as godly men. Keep pouring the word love wisdom of God and he will move on from there. He will take all of that and bring glory to himself through it. 

“On the lips of him who has understanding, wisdom is found, but a rod is for the back of him who lacks sense. The wise lay up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool brings ruin near.” Proverbs 10:13-14