Nate Larkin of the Samson Society shares with Mike how his life and marriage were saved when he understood the importance of being in relationship with other brothers in Christ.
He thought he was completely alone in his struggle with pornography, which eventually led him down a dark road into prostitution and a suicide plot. But by God’s grace he was finally “caught.” He wasn’t aware that what he needed was healing, not forgiveness.
“I was always begging for forgiveness that was already mine because I didn’t understand the Gospel.”
Porn was just a medicator for the deep wounds in his life. He needed connection. Porn offers the illusion of connection, but in reality, it cripples us from creating emotional connections. “Lust kills love.”
Like many of us, Nate tried to fight a solo battle.
“I wanted this ‘me and Jesus’ relationship that wouldn’t require me to expose myself or connect with anyone else.”
But Nate was freed by learning we are part of a body – we can’t walk alone. Jesus called two men to follow Him, and then he called 10 more.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20
“Then the LORD God said, It is not good for man to be alone.” Genesis 2:18a
Read Nate’s full testimony in his book, Samson and the Pirate Monks: Calling Men to Authentic Brotherhood, or listen to it on Audible.
Attend a newcomer Zoom meeting at the Samson Society, a fellowship of Christian men who are serious about authenticity, community, humility, and recovery. Meetings take place every day.
Download your free copy of Covenant Eyes’ Your Brain on Porn eBook to learn about how porn rewires the brain and kills love.
Tune in to The Noble Man Podcast next week for The Noble Man Invests in Faithful Men.