“Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23
“I tried to hide it, but sin has repercussions in every area of life.”
This week on the podcast in The Noble Man has a Renewed Mind, you’ll hear a very raw and real testimony from Steve Etner of The Purity Coach as he openly shares about his lifelong battle with porn, lust, and masturbation. It’s a story that affected him, his marriage, and the churches that he pastored for decades, but praise God that’s not where the story ends. Steve’s life is a living testimony to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
“Our Savior came to earth on a mission of redemption and reconciliation. You cannot do this on your own.”
After years of seeking help, God used a man, not a pastor or a counselor, but a man who loved the Word and pointed Steve to it daily. “He just began to open up the Word of God, and he showed me the God of the Scriptures, who was a God I never knew.” For anyone who has wrestled with the guilt of sexual sin, Steve offers scripture after scripture to dive into and memorize to renew your mind.
“You cannot change your behavior until you first change your heart.”
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 NIV
Steve’s recommended Bible reading: 2 Cor 10:5, Psalm 23, 25, 27, and 51.
Extreme Mind Makeover by Steve Etner
Steven’s workshop, Transforming Sinful Habits into God Pleasing Life Patterns – The Noble Man Virtual Event – Richmond
If you need help now, call Steve Etner at 574-360-1141, or seek a local counselor.
Join us next week on the podcast for The Noble Man Has Made a Covenant With His Eyes.