Tailgate Edition: Will You Conform or Transform? feat. Ed Gomes

Ep. 69 | 09/01/2021

From The Podcast Episode

You can’t have it both ways. 

Dr. Ed Gomes, Director of Spiritual Development for Liberty Flames football and shoe-shiner extraordinaire, asks us to decide, “Have you been allowing the world to conform you, or are you allowing God to transform you?” 

It’s a contradiction. I can live my life the way I want to live it or the way God wants me to live it. I can do it my way and get wood, hay, and stubble, or do it God’s way and get the opposite. 

Dr. Gomes received his salvation at the age of 17, and from that time until now, at age 67, God gave him a new “want to.” He decided to follow Jesus no matter what, become a student of God’s Word, and allow it to transform his life. 

“Becoming a Christian isn’t based on something that I do, but rather it’s based on something Christ has already done.”

In Romans 12:1-2, Paul offers a negative and a positive admonition to believers. Dr. Gomes helps us see how we can make every day count, allow the Word of God to permeate our thoughts, and apply it to every situation. 

In the last seven days, have you been in the Word? 

As we get closer to the end of our Tailgate Series on the Podcast, the end of one season marks the beginning of another. Connect the Dots with us on the Tailgate map across the region and help us hit the road. Help noble men connect! And check out our Fall Tailgate Lineup!


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