Category: Discipleship

Tailgate Series: Don’t Be Passive When Satan Attacks feat. Gary Freeman

Ep. 67 | 08/09/2021

From The Podcast Episode

Do you have Genesis 3 syndrome? Gary Freeman speaks passionately about the role fathers play in the pro-life movement in Episode 67 of our Tailgate Series. Gary is the founder of Major League Dad, a ministry dedicated to investing in and equipping fathers. 

In Genesis 3, Adam was present while the serpent was lying to Eve. He knew what was going on, but he did nothing to protect her. “He knows what to do and he’s sitting on it.” 

What are we sitting on?

Gary’s passion stems from his work at Care Net Pregnancy Center with the fathers of women who are considering or have had an abortion. He discovered that a key factor in an unplanned pregnancy going to term is a faithful man in the mother’s life. 

A Care Net study revealed that one in four women who had an abortion were involved in a church, yet 72% of those women felt like they couldn’t come to the church to find healing. 

“As believers, we have to be hungry about the things that God is hungry for.” 

Drawing on his experience as an ECU football player, Gary challenges us to pay attention to our playbook as Christians so we don’t get our heads knocked off! But we don’t have to do it in our own strength because Jesus is the way, truth, and life. (John 14:6) 

Get in the Word and see what God is calling us to do. If we know the Word better than all else we’ll see true transformation. 

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